Issue 3 – Winter 2002 – Steven B. Katz

Steven B. Katz


Slow Comfort Consuming the Body

(Inspired by Michael Timpson’s Exhibit “But the Ball is Lost and the Mallet Slipped,”
North Carolina Museum of Art, Nov. 2, 1991-February 2, 1992

Bike handles wrapped in white bandages:
four white crucifixes arranged in a Latin cruciform,
and from them the sinew of brake wires stretch,
hanging. The cross is a slow vehicle,
molasses a slow blood;
forks and spoons to consume the body
are sprinkled beneath the vat;
four buckets hang above,
spread incense, or catch manna.

Will it speed the masses?
A serene white cotton cloth
covers shards of glass,
spreads softly on the floor



Steven B. Katz is Associate Professor of English at North Carolina State University, where he teaches rhetoric and poetics. He has published poems in Pembroke MagazinePostmodern CultureContinental Drift, the American Medical Association’s Archives of Family Medicine, Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, European Judaism (London), Obsidian: Black Literature in Review, Southern Poetry Review, Northeast Journal, The Greenfield Review, Outpost, and other journals. He lives with his wife and son in Raleigh.