Morgan Lucas Shculdt
Anachronistically Yrs
Mine say mine to say something.
Or sleepstow this mention between us.
How over yestoyears description dies
& gropes are throes are touchlines put
to trace as some sweigh-bridge.
Sway–the body’s mixplaced satisflictions
for which all doing is banquet.
The craved of thus as done;
the hands of soothes come true.
Love this anachronistically yrs
tipped to lips as sipped
is hail to one’s heat, & means
being. Means
makes warm sheets
‘twixt which are still
wantknots, ah vowels,
rives letter-built between which
between which we bade un-
––be knownst!
Version’s Verge
If nothing I do does & nothing I am say,
whatever you will in the inter-uhmm,
mercies to furies want to be enough
& fall short, furies to mercies.
So our loudship, readypresent, masses
where love is night-&-a-half remembered
& folded in, de-realized as though
a name had been called,
folded again into this kisshand.
Do we care to call it a bless?
To have what back?
Carry forward. Portion this mortal
dabble, this should-hurry of the waist.
Fall from the wartower, your highsleep.
Pretend to be habited. As the grateful,
take your body & go.
Or mine,
mindful of our matters made.
After Cy Twombly
Allover at and elsewhere throughout,
restinguished loop-spoof, doodle.
Ambigracefull smudge.
So many solittle
Sketch-abide skin-elide sin-aside
Smeary sometime sprangflowers. Hierantic tracery
& abc-alloons.
To this anyheld here––
anI’mism gone ga-
Variations from Inside an Hour Glass
Am I soft sift?
Am . . . fists of it?
If I fast most––
atoms’ tiffs? I
omit fasts, if
a moist stiff;
if’s fast omit,
its fit of am
is fast motif.
I am soft sift.
Morgan Lucas Schuldt is the author of Verge (Parlor Press: Free Verse Editions, forthcoming fall, 2007) and Otherhow (Kitchen Press, forthcoming spring, 2007), a chapbook. His work has appeared most recently in Verse, LIT, Diagram, Typo and Shampoo. Currently Morgan studies at the University of Arizona where he edits CUE: A Journal of Prose Poetry.