Issue 10 – Summer 2006 – F. Daniel Rzicznek

F. Daniel Rzicznek



The bony vines
around the lungs

sprout sharp arms,
blood looming

sick as an eye,
the dusky liver

mutely alive
and still treading

the huge waves
of the body, still

waiting to hiss,
like a flute

left in an open
windless place,

its low rebuke
of years, ages.



F. Daniel Rzicznek’s Cloud Tablets, a chapbook of prose poems, was a winner in the Wick Poetry Center Chapbook Competition and will be appear this year from Kent State University Press. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in the Iowa ReviewBoston ReviewCarolina Quarterly, Sou’wester, Notre Dame Review, and elsewhere. Currently he teaches English compostion at Bowling Green State University.