Issue 23 – Winter 2013 – Kathryn Cowles

Kathryn Cowles



A song. Praise the Lord. And the whole congregation joined in. A song I sing to know where I am. Copied word for word from the old hymnal. #30 All is Well. #92 For the Beauty of the Earth. A transcription. For the organ. For the choir. These lines correspond to the keys correspond to the bird sound. A printed version of the bird sound. An arrangement with an entirely other instrument. For use with the choir. For use with the congregation. A printed version of an audio version of a person singing. A record. A set of instructions. Notes rendered simultaneously, and in this order, and in this way. Four parts. To be taken together. For praise.



Kathryn Cowles‘s first book, Eleanor, Eleanor, not your real name, won the 2008 Brunsman Poetry Prize. Her poems and hybrids have appeared in the Academy of American Poets Poem-A-DayThe Offending Adamdrunken boatInterimBombay GinVersalWord for/ WordForklift: OhioWestern Humanities Review, and others. She teaches at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York state.